35 Funny Replies to “Who Is This?” – 2024

In the age of constant communication through text messages and phone calls, we’ve all received that unexpected message or call asking, “Who is this?” Instead of responding with a dull introduction, why not inject some humour into the conversation? In this guide, we’ll explore 35 funny and creative replies to the infamous question, “Who is this?” These responses are not only designed to entertain but also to lighten the mood and make communication more enjoyable.

35 Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

1. Playful Introductions

1.1 “I’m the person your mother warned you about.”

1.2 “I am your long-lost twin from another dimension.”

1.3 “This is the ghost of your past, haunting your contacts.”

1.4 “It’s me, your future self – I’m just checking in!”

1.5 “I’m the secret admirer you never knew you had.”

2. Celebrity Impersonations

2.1 “I’m Batman. Who else could it be?”

2.2 “This is [Insert Celebrity Name]. Yes, the one and only!”

2.3 “It’s your favourite movie star incognito. Can you guess who?”

2.4 “This is your personal assistant, Siri, at your service.”

2.5 “I am the real Slim Shady. Finally found me!”

3. Sci-Fi and Fantasy Twist

3.1 “Greetings, Earthling. I come in peace.”

3.2 “I’m a time traveller – just checking in from the future.”

3.3 “This is [Your Name] from the parallel universe. How’s it going?”

3.4 “I am a wizard – you’ve just been contacted by the magical world.”

3.5 “I’m your friendly neighbourhood superhero. Who else?”

4. Classic Comedy

4.1 “Who is this? Why, it’s your worst nightmare – armed with dad jokes!”

4.2 “I am the one who knocks. Just kidding, it’s your pizza delivery guy.”

4.3 “This is the person who finishes the last slice of pizza without asking.”

4.4 “It’s me, your conscience. You should really answer your phone more often.”

4.5 “This is the one who never leaves the house without a snack. Hungry?”

5. Animal Kingdom Edition

5.1 “I’m your pet goldfish – finally learned how to text, didn’t I?”

5.2 “This is [Your Name], the undercover spy posing as a cat.”

5.3 “I’m the pigeon from the park. Got your number from a friend.”

5.4 “This is your spirit animal texting you. Feeling wild today?”

5.5 “Guess who? It’s your friendly neighborhood sloth, finally awake.”

6. Tech Geek Delight

6.1 “I am your smartphone, demanding attention.”

6.2 “This is the sentient AI from your favorite sci-fi movie – at your service.”

6.3 “I’m the notification you keep swiping away. Can’t escape me!”

6.4 “This is the WiFi you’ve been searching for. Found me!”

6.5 “I’m the app you never knew you downloaded – surprise!”

Explain 35 Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

1. Playful Introductions

This part is all about fun and playful answers when someone asks, “Who Is This?” Each heading here gives a different way to respond in a light-hearted and amusing way.

Whether it’s pretending to be a lost twin or a secret admirer, these replies are meant to make you smile while tackling the usual question. Let’s dive into various creative and funny approaches!

1.1 “I’m the person your mother warned you about.”

  • This response playfully suggests that the person on the other end is someone with a mischievous or rebellious reputation.

1.2 “I am your long-lost twin from another dimension.”

  • This response humorously implies a fictional connection, suggesting that the person replying is the recipient’s long-lost twin from a parallel universe.

1.3 “This is the ghost of your past, haunting your contacts.”

  • In a light-hearted manner, this response presents the idea of being a ‘ghost’ from the past, adding a supernatural twist to the interaction.

1.4 “It’s me, your future self – I’m just checking in!”

  • This response humorously claims to be the recipient’s future self, implying a time-travel element and adding a fun and futuristic angle to the conversation.

1.5 “I’m the secret admirer you never knew you had.”

  • This response suggests a playful romantic undertone, claiming to be a secret admirer, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue.

2. Celebrity Impersonations

Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

Here, the replies get entertaining by pretending to be famous people. Each part gives a funny way of saying you’re someone well-known, like Batman, a big movie star, or even the real Slim Shady.

It uses popular culture references to make the conversation more amusing. Let’s explore the different ways to bring some humour with celebrity impersonations in response to the question “Who Is This?”

2.1 “I’m Batman. Who else could it be?”

  • This response humorously impersonates the iconic superhero Batman, adding an element of fun and pop culture reference.

2.2 “This is [Insert Celebrity Name]. Yes, the one and only!”

  • Here, the responder claims to be a famous celebrity, adding a touch of glamour and excitement to the conversation.

2.3 “It’s your favorite movie star incognito. Can you guess who?”

  • This response encourages the recipient to play along by guessing the identity of the ‘incognito’ movie star, creating an engaging and entertaining interaction.

2.4 “This is your personal assistant, Siri, at your service.”

  • Humorously claiming to be the widely-known virtual assistant Siri, this response adds a tech-savvy and light-hearted twist to the conversation.

2.5 “I am the real Slim Shady. Finally found me!”

  • In a playful manner, the responder claims to be the famous rapper Eminem’s alter ego, Slim Shady, making a humorous and recognizable reference.

3. Sci-Fi and Fantasy Twist

Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

In this part, the answers get imaginative by bringing in elements of science fiction and fantasy. You might pretend to be a time traveler or a wizard from a magical realm, creating fun and playful scenarios.

The goal is to make the conversation unique and entertaining by sparking wonder and creativity. Let’s explore the different ways to add a touch of fantasy and humour to the question “Who Is This?”

3.1 “Greetings, Earthling. I come in peace.”

  • This response adds an extraterrestrial element, suggesting that the person replying is an alien with a peaceful mission.

3.2 “I’m a time traveler – just checking in from the future.”

  • Introducing a time-travel concept, this response humorously claims to be a time-traveler, creating an imaginative and intriguing scenario.

3.3 “This is [Your Name] from the parallel universe. How’s it going?”

  • Building on the idea of parallel universes, the responder playfully claims to be from an alternate reality, making the conversation more whimsical.

3.4 “I am a wizard – you’ve just been contacted by the magical world.”

  • This response introduces a magical theme, suggesting that the person replying is a wizard from a fantastical realm, adding a touch of enchantment.

3.5 “I’m your friendly neighborhood superhero. Who else?”

  • Playing on the superhero trope, this response humorously claims to be a local superhero, adding a sense of community and fun.

4. Classic Comedy

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In this part, we take a classic funny approach by adding humour to everyday situations. Whether it’s sharing dad jokes or being the one who grabs the last slice of pizza, these responses use relatable and amusing scenarios.

The aim is to connect with the reader on a personal level and make the conversation more enjoyable by injecting humour. Let’s explore different ways to bring laughter to the question “Who Is This?” in simple and relatable terms.

4.1 “Who is this? Why, it’s your worst nightmare – armed with dad jokes!”

  • This response humorously suggests that the person replying is armed with corny dad jokes, turning the question into a comedic setup.

4.2 “I am the one who knocks. Just kidding, it’s your pizza delivery guy.”

  • Referencing a famous line from a TV series, this response humorously suggests being the one who knocks (a serious character), only to reveal a mundane identity as a pizza delivery person.

4.3 “This is the person who finishes the last slice of pizza without asking.”

  • In a light-hearted manner, this response humorously admits to a common behavior, adding a relatable and amusing element to the conversation.

4.4 “It’s me, your conscience. You should really answer your phone more often.”

  • Playing on the concept of a conscience, this response humorously suggests being the person’s inner voice, gently scolding them for not answering calls promptly.

4.5 “This is the one who never leaves the house without a snack. Hungry?”

  • This response playfully admits to a habit of always having snacks, injecting a casual and relatable element into the conversation.

5. Animal Kingdom Edition

Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

This section introduces a playful twist by attributing personalities to animals. Each response suggests a humorous scenario where the person replying takes on the role of a pet goldfish, a spy posing as a cat, or even a friendly neighborhood sloth. The animal-themed responses add a whimsical and unexpected element to the conversation.

5.1 “I’m your pet goldfish – finally learned how to text, didn’t I?”

  • This response playfully imagines a pet goldfish gaining the ability to text, adding a whimsical and humorous twist to the interaction.

5.2 “This is [Your Name], the undercover spy posing as a cat.”

  • With a spy-themed twist, this response humorously claims to be an undercover agent posing as a cat, creating a playful and imaginative scenario.

5.3 “I’m the pigeon from the park. Got your number from a friend.”

  • This response whimsically suggests that a park pigeon somehow obtained the recipient’s number through a friend, adding an unexpected and amusing element.

5.4 “This is your spirit animal texting you. Feeling wild today?”

  • Introducing the concept of a spirit animal, this response playfully suggests being the recipient’s spirit animal, asking if they’re in a wild or adventurous mood.

5.5 “Guess who? It’s your friendly neighbourhood sloth, finally awake.”

  • In a light-hearted manner, this response humorously claims to be a sloth, known for their slow movements, adding a comical and relaxed vibe to the conversation.

6. Tech Geek Delight

Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

The final section, Tech Geek Delight, brings a tech-savvy and modern touch to the responses. By humorously personifying technology, whether claiming to be a demanding smartphone or the WiFi signal being sought, this section caters to readers who enjoy witty and tech-centric humor. It adds a contemporary twist to the collection of responses.

6.1 “I am your smartphone, demanding attention.”

  • This response humorously personifies a smartphone, playfully suggesting that the device is demanding the recipient’s attention.

6.2 “This is the sentient AI from your favourite sci-fi movie – at your service.”

  • Playing on the concept of sentient artificial intelligence, this response humorously claims to be an AI from a sci-fi movie, offering its services to the recipient.

6.3 “I’m the notification you keep swiping away. Can’t escape me!”

  • This response humorously suggests being the persistent notification that the recipient continuously dismisses, creating a playful and tech-centric scenario.

6.4 “This is the WiFi you’ve been searching for. Found me!”

  • In a light-hearted manner, this response playfully claims to be the elusive WiFi signal that the recipient has been searching for, adding a tech-savvy and amusing element.

6.5 “I’m the app you never knew you downloaded – surprise!”

  • This response humorously claims to be an unexpected app on the recipient’s phone, adding a surprising and playful twist to the conversation.

These sections provide a breakdown of the humorous and creative elements in each response category, offering a variety of entertaining ways to reply to the question, “Who is this?”

FAQs – Funny Replies to “Who Is This?”

What is the best reply of Who are you?

The best reply to Who are you? depends on the context and intent of the question. In a casual setting, a simple introduction with your name and perhaps a brief description of your role or profession can suffice. For example, I’m [Name], I work as a software engineer at XYZ company.

What’s the best reply to what’s up?

The best reply to what’s up? depends on the context and your relationship with the person asking. In a casual setting, a simple not much, how about you? or just hanging out, you? can be an appropriate response.

How do you respond to what’s up in a cool way?

When someone asks What’s up? you can respond in a cool way by saying something like Not much, just living the dream or Just chilling, you know how it is. These responses convey a laid-back and nonchalant attitude, which can come across as cool and casual.

Funny replies to who is this text

When someone texts you who is this? it can be an opportunity to inject some humor into the conversation. One lighthearted response could be, I’m your long-lost twin from another dimension, nice to finally meet you! This playful approach can help break the ice and set a fun tone for the conversation.

How to reply to who’s this on snapchat?

When someone asks who’s this on Snapchat, it’s usually because they don’t recognize the sender of a message or snap. In your reply, you can simply introduce yourself and remind them where you met or how you know each other. For example, Hey, it’s [Your Name] from the party last weekend! This helps jog their memory and establishes a connection.

Final Words

The 35 funny replies to Who is this? have provided a lighthearted and entertaining approach to an often mundane question. By injecting humor into these responses, individuals have found a way to bring levity and amusement to their everyday interactions.

Whether it’s through clever wordplay, witty comebacks, or unexpected references, these replies demonstrate the power of humor in forging connections and brightening someone’s day. As we navigate the digital age with constant communication, incorporating humor into our conversations can create more meaningful and enjoyable interactions.

So next time you receive a Who is this? message, consider responding with one of these humorous retorts to spread some joy and laughter.

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